

Muscle Health
Cordyceps Extracts
800 MG
Provides adaptogenic, antistress functions; immune support; and antioxidant, anti-fatigue, and blood circulation effects. Improves aerobic capacity (VO2max), anaerobic threshold, time to exhaustion, and work output.
Bucci LR, Turpin AA, Beer C, Feliciano J. Ginseng, Ch 20 in Nutritional Ergogenic Aids, Wolinsky I, Driskell JA, Eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2004, pp. 379-410.
Chen CY, Hou CW, Bernard JR, Chen CC, Hung TC, Cheng LL, Liao YH, Kuo CH. Rhodiola crenulata- and Cordyceps sinensis-based supplement boosts aerobic exercise performance after sort-term high altitude training. High Alt Med Biol. 2014 Sep;15(3):371-9.
Creer A. The effect of commercial herbal-based supplementation on running performance during a competitive season in collegiate distance runners: a pilot study. South Dakota University, 2007: Report to First Endurance.
Larson KR. Supplementation using a commercial herbal-based product (Optygen) may increase running performance in highly trained collegiate distance runners: a pilot study. Luther College, Dec 2007: Report to First Endurance.
Tsai PH, Lin FC, Hang CC, Hou CW, Cheng IS. Effects of Rhodiola-rosea-Cordyceps sinensis supplementation on glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle. J Phys Educ. 2019 Dec31;21(4):375-86.