Hey, I'm Adam! I'm a professional trail and ultra runner for Saucony. I live in Boulder with my wife and 1 year old son. You can usually find me training on the trails around the Boulder Skyline or on dirt roads! I've been trail racing since 2017 and enjoy everything from 50km - 100miles. Last year I landed a Golden Ticket to Western States Endurance Run at the Canyons 100km. In 2024 I'll be turning my attention to France where I'll race the iconic UTMB 100M at the end of August.
"A friend of mine invited me on a trail run and, with no experience, appropriate shoes or gear, I joined him for an 8 mile jaunt through the forest with no water or fuel. At that point, I hadn’t run more than a few hundred meters in years. It was such a fun adventure right out of our door and felt so wild, exhilarating and engaging. I was hooked!"

Chuckanut 50km
1st Overall: 2023

Trail World Championships
Team USA 80km Gold Medalist: 2022

Run the Rock
1st Overall: 2021
Adam's Favorites
Goal(s) for 2023:
Qualify for Western States 100
What’s your favorite quote and where did you first hear it?
Don’t put on a show, win the game. - Coach Mosely (Last Chance U)
Who is your favorite author and what is their best work?
JRR Tolkien - The Hobbit
What’s the best training advice you’ve ever received and who gave it to you?
“Train for where you are, not for where you want to be.” I first heard this in Scott Jurek’s book (perhaps, Eat & Run) and I still think about this often!
How did you get started in your sport?
A friend of mine invited me on a trail run and, with no experience, appropriate shoes or gear, I joined him for an 8 mile jaunt through the forest with no water or fuel. At that point, I hadn’t run more than a few hundred meters in years. It was such a fun adventure right out of our door and felt so wild, exhilarating and engaging. I was hooked!
What’s the worst advice you’ve ever gotten?
That a certain type of shoe is the best. Whatever fits your foot, doesn’t cause pain or toe blistering and makes you feel cool or fast is the best shoe! Regardless of the brand or model.
If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?
A pair of running shoes and a vine of Vitis Vinifera vine so I could plant, grow and harvest my own wine! 😀
If you could have one superpower, which would you choose and why?
The ability to be in two places at once. Then I could work my job, which I enjoy and makes a positive impact on the world, and train and recover at the same time!
What’s your favorite website?
Strava! It’s how I keep up with what my friends are doing and get inspired for routes to run!
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I think I wanted to be a professional athlete, like a football player or basketball player. I didn’t know what trail running was at the time but if I did maybe it would have been that!
Describe your first bike.
It was a red bike from kmart with training wheels I got for Christmas. I learned how to ride on that bike and had so much fun! I named him Clark.
What's the craziest thing that’s ever happened to you?
Having a child. A close 2nd is almost getting eaten by a grizzly bear in Yellowstone.
What's your favorite movie and why?
Lord of the Rings trilogy, for obvious reasons. Absolute masterpiece!
Describe yourself with one word.
If you were starring in a movie, what would your theme song be?
The Funky Spider - Kasír
Proudest sporting moment? Proudest life moment?
Probably winning Chuckanut. I’m really proud of how I prepared for and executed during that race. And what made it most special was getting to compete in the final miles for the win against one of my friends!
Proudest life moment is for sure having/raising my son, Arthur.
Guilty pleasure food item?
Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Chip Almond Cookies, no guilt involved though!
Guilty pleasure song?
…Dang. Something really unexpected/guilty? good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo