"I always wanted to be good at something, and I soon realized the effort and commitment that would take."
As an athlete I reached the pinnacle of my sport in 2015 by winning the XTERRA World Championship. I have accumulated several National Championships in a variety of disciplines such as snowshoe racing, long course triathlon, winter triathlon, fat biking, along with 15 XTERRA National Championship titles. I consider myself a multi-sport athlete of all seasons and my professional racing career has spanned three decades.
Along the way I have built a successful coaching business and I have a masters degree in Human Movement. I live in Eagle-Vail, Colorado where my amazing wife Ingrid and I have raised three wonderful kids

XTERRA World Championship
1st Overall: 2015

1st Overall: 15x

1st Overall: 4x
Favorite Strava Segment
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What's your favorite quote?
"If you are always ready, you don't have to get ready"
What's the best training advice you've ever received and who gave it to you?
"It's better to be 20% undertrained than 1% overtrained" - Dan Timm, my first boss in Vail.
How did you get started in your sport?
The first triathlon I ever did was the East Jordan Triathlon in my hometown. I did the side stroke.
What's the worst advice you've ever gotten?
Sugar is the devil.
If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs - such as food and water - were taken care of, what is the item you would most want to have with you?
A harmonica.
If you could have one superpower, which would you choose and why?
Ability to fly, of course, because everyone wishes they could fly.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be good at something, and I soon realized the effort and commitment that would take.
Have you ever been fired? If so, what did you do?
I was once fired on my day off for moving boxes.
Describe your first bike.
My first mountain bike was a white Raleigh that I bought from a pawn shop in Vail in 2000.
What's your favorite movie and why?
Point Break, because it confuses people when I say it.
What's your most memorable meal?
My Mom's bean pie.
Who is your favorite band or artist and their best song?
Cat Stevens - Father and Son