The Glycemic Index & Carbohydrate Fueling

The Glycemic Index & Carbohydrate Fueling

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a characteristic of carbs in different foodstuffs that affects choosing what carbs to use during long-term exercise. Since glucose is by far the main sugar in the bloodstream, glycemic index tracks the change in blood glucose levels for 4-6 hours after eating on an empty stomach, and it’s measured by administering 100 grams (about a quarter pound) dry weight of a specific carb source. The area under the curve for the rise in blood sugar from 100 grams of glucose is defined as a GI = 100.

September 26, 2021
Adaptogens & New Insights Hiding in Plain Sight

Adaptogens & New Insights Hiding in Plain Sight

Adaptogens constitute a catch-all category lumping together various herbs and traditional medicines that have a long history of keeping humans healthy under periods of stress, both physical and mental. There are many definitions of “adaptogen,” but the simplest may be any substance that helps the body function effectively while under stress. That’s a simple concept – when you are under stress that adversely affects your life, adaptogens help you adapt to maintain your health and homeostasis (in other words, a return to normal). But how that happens – how adaptogens “work” – is where adaptogens are misunderstood, especially by modern science and medicine.

September 07, 2021
Amino Acids, Exercise, & Immune Health – Timing Is Everything

Amino Acids, Exercise, & Immune Health – Timing Is Everything

We typically associate amino acids with rebuilding muscles and post-training recovery, so why are amino acids important for immune function? Because your immune system operates differently from muscles, nerves, and other organs; it uses amino acids as energy, even preferring them to glucose and fats.

The immune system’s major amino acid fuels are glutamine and the branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which we’ll just lump together as BCAAs for this blog. Because of their known importance for immune cells, research has focused on these amino acids and immune function in long-term, strenuous exercise.

August 17, 2021
Debunking The Myth: Sports Drinks Claim To Hydrate Better Than Water

Debunking The Myth: Sports Drinks Claim To Hydrate Better Than Water

This is an extended A for a Q&A in response to a tendency for some hydration mix companies to make spurious claims about how their products hydrate faster than or better than water. In this extended Q&A, Dr. Luke R. Bucci explains why the science behind those claims doesn’t apply to endurance athletics.
January 11, 2021
Is Intermittent Fasting Good For Performance?

Is Intermittent Fasting Good For Performance?

By Luke Bucci, PhD, CCN CNS & Jeff Rocco, MD Q: I’m hearing about how changing when I eat and fast can help my performance. But fasting runs opposite of...
November 12, 2020
Cyclic Cluster Dextrin: A Superior Carbohydrate For Endurance

Cyclic Cluster Dextrin: A Superior Carbohydrate For Endurance

Cyclic Cluster Dextrin is turning out to be a premier form of carbohydrates for extending exercise performance, probably by not having the drawbacks of other carbohydrate sources. CCD’s unique molecular structure gives it the ability to not have gastric side effects and to help prevent central fatigue (feeding the brain) that other carbohydrates cannot do as well. CCD – a better mousetrap for delivering carbs during endurance exercise.

July 20, 2020
Ultramarathons & Ketones – The Experts Speak

Ultramarathons & Ketones – The Experts Speak

Q: A lot of pros are using ketone esters. Do they really work?

A: Not as well as one would think. Here's why.

May 12, 2020
How To Stop Cortisol and Overtraining Syndrome From Wrecking Your Season

How To Stop Cortisol and Overtraining Syndrome From Wrecking Your Season

As an active athlete are you feeling tired and rundown? 
May 30, 2018
Iron and Endurance Athletes

Iron and Endurance Athletes

By Jeff Rocco, MD Iron is one of the most abundant mineral on earth and is essential to normal human physiology.  About 2/3 of the body’s iron is found in...
August 29, 2008