Rally Cycling has a “No Chain” Day at USPRO

Rally Cycling has a “No Chain” Day at USPRO

Last month, Joey Rosskopf of Rally Cycling won the US national crit championship. His stablemate, Kyle Murphy, finished third after a day spent animating the race in a two-man break that depleted the strength of EF Education-Nippo, who were easily co-favorites with, of course, the dominant L39ION of Los Angeles.

July 23, 2021
Debunking The Myth: Sports Drinks Claim To Hydrate Better Than Water

Debunking The Myth: Sports Drinks Claim To Hydrate Better Than Water

This is an extended A for a Q&A in response to a tendency for some hydration mix companies to make spurious claims about how their products hydrate faster than or better than water. In this extended Q&A, Dr. Luke R. Bucci explains why the science behind those claims doesn’t apply to endurance athletics.
January 11, 2021
Is Intermittent Fasting Good For Performance?

Is Intermittent Fasting Good For Performance?

By Luke Bucci, PhD, CCN CNS & Jeff Rocco, MD Q: I’m hearing about how changing when I eat and fast can help my performance. But fasting runs opposite of...
November 12, 2020
Cyclic Cluster Dextrin: A Superior Carbohydrate For Endurance

Cyclic Cluster Dextrin: A Superior Carbohydrate For Endurance

Cyclic Cluster Dextrin is turning out to be a premier form of carbohydrates for extending exercise performance, probably by not having the drawbacks of other carbohydrate sources. CCD’s unique molecular structure gives it the ability to not have gastric side effects and to help prevent central fatigue (feeding the brain) that other carbohydrates cannot do as well. CCD – a better mousetrap for delivering carbs during endurance exercise.

July 20, 2020
Ultramarathons & Ketones – The Experts Speak

Ultramarathons & Ketones – The Experts Speak

Q: A lot of pros are using ketone esters. Do they really work?

A: Not as well as one would think. Here's why.

May 12, 2020

Designing the Next Generation of Endurance Nutrition

Dr. Bucci is the industry leader in sports nutrition. He’s also an accomplished author and lecturer and holds multiple patents and patent applications on clinical laboratory testing methods and nutritional supplements.

April 13, 2020
How To Stop Cortisol and Overtraining Syndrome From Wrecking Your Season

How To Stop Cortisol and Overtraining Syndrome From Wrecking Your Season

As an active athlete are you feeling tired and rundown? 
May 30, 2018
Iron and Endurance Athletes

Iron and Endurance Athletes

By Jeff Rocco, MD Iron is one of the most abundant mineral on earth and is essential to normal human physiology.  About 2/3 of the body’s iron is found in...
August 29, 2008